Sisco Distribution of Turkey

Chemical Products

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Pectin pure

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Pectinase ex. Aspergillus Niger, 3.5U/mg

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Penicillin G Sodium Salt (PNL), 98%

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Pentetrazole extrapure, 99%

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Peppermint oil extrapure, 50%

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Pepsin (2x cryst.) ex. Porcine Stomach Mucosa, 2500U/mg

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Pepsin 1:10000 ex. Porcine Stomach Mucosa extrapure AR, 2.5Anson U/mg

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Pepsin 1:10000 ex. Porcine Stomach Mucosa, 2.5Anson U/mg

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Pepsin 1:3000 ex. Porcine Stomach Mucosa, 0.8Anson U/mg

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Peroxidase ex. Horseradish RZ 2.0 (HRP Type 2), 110U/mg

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Peroxidase ex. Horseradish RZ 2.0 (HRP Type 3), 180U/mg

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Peroxidase ex. Horseradish RZ 3.0 (HRP Type 1), 250U/mg

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Phenazonium Methosulphate (PMS) extrapure, 99%

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Phenol Crystalline extrapure AR, ACS, ExiPlus™, 99.5%

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Phenol Crystalline for molecular biology, 99.5%

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Phenol Equilibrated with 0.1M Citrate Buffer pH 4.5 for molecular biology w/ Stabilizer

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Phenol Saturated for molecular biology (Phenol Liquid), 90%

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Phenol Tris Equilibrated for molecular biology w/ Stabilizer

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