Sisco Distribution of Turkey

Culture Media

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PM Indicator Agar

Product Page
Polymyxin B Selective Supplement (50KU/vl)

Product Page
Polysorbate 80 Agar (Twin Pack)

Product Page
Potassium Lactate 50% (10 ml/vial)

Product Page
Potassium Sorbate 10% (10 ml/vial)

Product Page
Potassium Tellurite 1% Supplement

Product Page
Potassium Tellurite 3.5% Supplement

Product Page
Potato Dextrose Agar

Product Page
Potato Dextrose Agar BioVeg

Product Page
Potato Dextrose Agar w/2% Glucose and 60% Sucrose

Product Page
Potato Dextrose Agar, Harmonized

Product Page
Potato Dextrose Broth

Product Page
Potato Dextrose Rose Bengal Agar

Product Page
Potato Malt Agar

Product Page
PPLO Agar, Base ( w/o Bovine serum )

Product Page
Presence - Absence Broth

Product Page
Proteose Peptone for bacteriology

Product Page
Pseudomonas Agar Base (I)

Product Page